Thursday, December 11, 2008

Check out the new feature below

I added a feature to our blog on the right side further down.  Look for: Feedjit Live Traffic Feed. You should see a map with it.  It places a red dot on the map for each person who goes to our blog.  When I put it up this morning, there was one dot in Africa for us.  Now there are already several more dots in the States because several of you have been to our blog this morning.  Isn't that cool?  I got that from Alicia Raley!  


Kristel Williams said...

Hi Dr. Dickens and Hollie,

I don't know if you remember us, since you have delivered so many babies in San Angelo, but one of those babies was Reinha. When she was 6 months we moved to Germany and we are still here. I received an email from Evelyn Ashley about your mission trip to Africa. And we want you and your family to know that we are praying for you guys!!! We are definitley going to follow you and we are glad that we know where you guys are. We have been thinking about you all a lot and wondering how you were doing. But to see all this is such a blessing and we just pray for God's protection on you and that He will continue to use you all and that you will continue to be a bright bright light wherever He sends you. Many blessings to you all!!! And off course we will pray for a good pregnancy for Hollie. Congratulations!!!

Many blessings,

Kristel, Jay, Reinha and Xierra Williams

Joel/ Hollie Dickens said...

HEy Kristel, Jay, Reinha and Xierra, thanks so much for keeping in touch with us. I sure do remember y'all. Hope y'all are doing well in Germany. Thanks so much for the prayers. I will begin work at the hospital next week, will be interesting to see how the Lord works here.
Blessings, joel and family

Unknown said...

Hi! Congrats on the great news! You are in our prayers. We received your post card the other day. We placed it on the fridge next to Mart' will remind us to pray for you daily. Take care and God bless Matt, Erin, Kadin, and Jace