Thursday, December 4, 2008


Joel, Abigail, and I walked to a few shops this morning.  On the streets there are many peddlers trying to sell you their merchandise.  Burkina Faso has a reputation for having some of the most aggressive sellers in the world.  Yesterday I waited in the truck for one stop Mona made.  There were close to 10 women outside the truck still trying to sell me things while I waited.  One woman opened the car door!  Locked doors seem a better idea!  :)  

Both here and in Ghana when some of these strangers on the streets learn we are from America, they smile and say "Obama" in their beautiful accents with great excitement.  We have learned to halfway, at least, smile and say "Yes, Obama."  We have been told in Ghana that the government has to tell the people that Obama is the president-elect of the US, not of Ghana.  They think he will help them in their country!