Saturday, March 7, 2009

Joel's Post: Unexpected Blessing

The midwives do all of the uncomplicated deliveries, including twins and breech deliveries. I was called to evaluate a patient who was not progressing in labor. A cursory ultrasound showed twins, both in the breech or bottom down position. The chance of successful vaginal delivery was small as the woman's labor was not progressing well. We elected to do a cesarean section. We delivered the twins and to my surprise there was another child at the top of the uterus, lying in the crosswise or transverse position. Thus was my first delivery of triplets! There are two ways of looking at this. The first being that I could use a refresher course in ultrasonography. And although we would enjoy it if someone would send us to Hawaii for an ultrasound course, I tend to look at the situation a second way. As one of those unexpected blessings from the Lord. Lamentations 3:23-24 " Because of the Lord's great love we are consumed, His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness."
(Hollie should post pictures of the triplets soon)


Anonymous said...

that is a fantastic blessing. I pray that you will have many more blessings while you are there.

Elaine said...

Way to go Joel! The updates are great!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! We are so proud of you!!
What a wonderful blessing to have you there for this miracle. God is Good!! We wish that we could have seen it. We miss you all so much. We have been very busy in L&D, but not with triplets!!
Traci and L&D