Sunday, March 1, 2009

I know it's been awhile since we've posted anything. In case you're wondering why our postings are not very close together now, being pregnant, teaching Colt in the mornings (when I have more energy and it's not as hot yet), having a 1 year old, no dishwasher or dryer, having no internet at our house, and living in the middle of the hottest season in Africa are a few of the varied reasons! We are doing well, over all. Abigail seems to have gotten over another ear infection. Praise God. Joel is a wonderful father and husband, as always. Colt enjoys climbing trees outside in our front yard.

Some of you would like to be able to help the people here in Africa. Here is an opportunity the Lord may be calling some of you to. There is a group of disabled Ghanians here locally who cannot provide for themselves. A nearby church has a fund to help feed them. It takes about $300 a month to feed this large group of people. Currently, the funding is nearly $200 short each month. Some of you already know this is for you to help with. Others know you are not at all the ones called to this. If there is anyone who is called to help, email us at and we'll give you further instructions. Also, feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to get them answered.

On a lighter note, sometimes I like to play a pretend game of "We're back in Texas" by telling Joel I'd like to go to the river walk in San Antonio soon. Today, as we were washing dishes after lunch, I told him I'd like to run to Target for a few minutes. Joel has now caught on and told me that's fine, to go ahead! :) I know anyone who's ever lived outside of the US has had similar thoughts!


Unknown said...

oh yes, we play that game so often. hollie a. and i usually take a walk down a sidewalk to the nearest starbucks and have coffee at our own table, in the air condition, and it smells wonderful. oh and we like to think we'd go at night, and its safe to. :) target sounds good though. praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Love reading your stories and reports. Still praying for you guys! Much love to you all....gwyn

Ashley said...

Good to hear from ya'll!!! I would so take you to Target if I could!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I know this game! It's exciting to hear Joel's report. You are often in my thoughts and prayers....I just don't find time to make it to the blog.

Our big news is that we are moving to Japan.