Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From Joel

I was asked to share a good news story. The story may be somewhat graphic for some, so if you want, you can stop reading now. We treat many patients here at BMC in Nalerigu, many are very sick and may not have a good outcome, it is our hope that they meet the Ultimate Healer prior to their departure. This is the story of a young girl that the Lord has spared to live a while longer.

First some background information. Infertility is a common problem and a big reason for referral here. Some clinic days, I may see 10-15 infertility patients along with the other patients we see. Unfortunately, there is little hope other than for a miracle as the majority have tubes that are destroyed and surgery is rarely successful. On the other hand, we also see many young girls who do not desire to be pregnant and try to "spoil" their pregnancy. It is my hope and prayer that these two groups would meet and that adoption would become a common practice here. During one particular week we had one patient who took poison to try to "spoil" her pregnancy, unfortunately, it took her life as well. Another had a large laceration in her vagina requiring repair and blood transfusions. The third patient took something to destroy the pregnancy, however, she did not expel the pregnancy and got a severe infection of her uterus. We tried doing a D and C to remove the infected and necrotic contents of her uterus, but she bled profusely requiring transfusions and required placing a pack in her uterus to stop the bleeding. We were left with a young, 16ish, girl whose only chance of survival was a hysterectomy.

We started the hysterectomy and what we found was one of the biggest messes I have ever been a part of. Pus was literally coming out through holes in the uterus. The uterus was dead and necrotic. Attempts to put clamps across the uterus just tore it to pieces causing severe bleeding. After a big bloody mess, we kind of just cut the uterus out leaving a big bloody hole. We then found a large sterile stocking, filled it with gauze sponges to fit the size of the pelvis and brought the open end out through the hole we had created in the patients vagina. We attached it to a rope which we attached to a weight off the end of the patients bed creating traction on the pack in the pelvis. At the beginning of the surgery I really thought the patient had about 0% chance of living. Through the Grace of God the patient survived and went home about a week later.

I told her that the Lord must have special plans for her since she was spared. I tried to share with her the hope that she could have through Jesus (the best I could through an interpreter). I also had the chaplains come and share with her in her native language. Please pray for the many patients like her who need to know of the Savior's love for them.


Anonymous said...

Wow...that was an amazing story. You continue to be in our prayers. We enjoyed seeing the pictures of your kids. Keep up the good work! Love, Matt and Erin

Ashley said...

Great job, Joel! You are doing so much for these women through the Lord working through you. God bless you for all you do. Praying for you guys!

Raley Family Blog said...

Thanks for sharing Joel. It is exciting to hear how the Lord is using you. Praying for many young women to accept Jesus as their Savior. We can't wait to hear more. Hope to talk to ya'll soon.

Anonymous said...

You are in the trenches, that's for sure. . .I'll make sure Georgia reads this. . .We are in your balcony cheering you on! :)


Julie Zesch said...

Wow, amazing. I know God is using you all in a mighty way. We continue to pray for you nightly. We miss ya'll. Joshua says a big high to Colt. And, of course Annie says Hi to Abigail. Blessings, The Zesch gang

Anonymous said...

Joel - thanks for being a godly man and doctor - you are compassionate and not only care for their physical needs but the need they have of a Savior.
They will know Him by your Love!!
God Bless you and Keep you and Prepare you in all that you do.
Love, Stacy

Elaine said...

Thank's for all the details. Though sad, encouraging! The Lord is at work through you!

Jackie Dickens said...

Joel, I am so, so proud that you are my big brother!!!
I love you for who you are and what you do!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

And I thought we were having a bad flu season! What an amazing story. What kind of poison do they use to 'spoil' their pregnancy?


Anonymous said...

I was really encouraged to read your postings and pray for you regularly. As I get ready to start a clinic in Brazil, my troubles and concerns don't seem quite as bad, I have the support of the local government and hospital and the people are simply poor, not destitute. Please be encouraged that God is using you to your greatest ability and with all the talents he has blessed you with!
And I am also curious, as is Milt, what is the "poison" that they are using with such devastating results?
God bless--
Greg Dunham